Tuesday 29 September 2015

Pros and Cons of Technology


  • You can save money with using the later technology. Larger companies use conference calls from different branches to host meetings. This reduces costs on traveling.
  • Technology saves time, you can now email someone for a quick response. You can fax someone documents. 
  • You can be more sociable, you can get to know what you're friends are doing all the time and can arrange a quick meet up. 
  • Education, you can learn more about the world, it makes it easier to research or revise for exams. 
  • We can all be globally connected to one another. 


  • Distraction, you have access to games or social media which means you are constantly getting distracted by what is actually happening around you. 
  • Companies use cookies to collect our data without us knowing. They find what we're interested in and try to advertise to us. They then can sell on our data to other companies leading into unwanted calls or junk emails. 
  • The need to upgrade. When new technology comes out you want to get the latest technology. If you hold back on old technology you might not have access to certain updates. Games are constantly upgrading which means you have to buy the next game to get newer and cooler items. 
  • We may start to depend on the technology. Not being able to get around anymore without a satnav. Or needing to know things straight away. Companies may depend on technology to do business and when failure happens they may not be able to do their job.