Friday 30 October 2015

Film Photography

A form of media that I really enjoy is film photography. I feel that the colours are more definitive than if you were to use a normal digital camera and you have a sense of old fashioned photography. This particular photo was taken on a Pentax MV1 using AGFA photo. I found through my experience with using this particular film that it works at its best inside so when I take photos outside they seem a little more washy than usual. Saying this however, it still does not stop me from loving film photography and the way the photos come out when developed are inspiring. 

This first photo was taken in Brussels in Belgium. I was in a park where I saw some interesting statues that looked weathered. This inspired me because also their positioning looked quite sad. I wanted to edit the photo to emphasis the sadness and despair within the exposure. 
I have placed the original exposure so I can compare the difference between the original and the edited photo.