Friday 30 October 2015

Jackson Pollock

I wanted to research into other artists ideas and ways of how they show emotion within their art. I thought of Jackson Pollock because I feel that there is so much depth in these paintings and I feel that so much emotion is shown through them too. I like how it feels just so messy and the colours he uses too to create the painting adds to this effect. 

This first painting Pollock has only used blacks whites and browns. This gives me the impression that its quite an angry painting and dark. I like how the white contrasts well with the black. Showing that black doesn't always get the high end, that white and purity can shine through all the dark times. 

This next painting Pollock has created is very colourful. I like the use of yellow and red in there. It feels to be quite a mixed feeling. The touch of blue shows the sadness and the red shows anger and warning, whereas the yellow and white and pink make the painting to seem happier. However, you have to take into consideration the act of movement within the painting. There's so much going on you can really concentrate on one part for too long without looking at the next. I feel that this has something to do with the use of colours and how they all interlink together with certain emotions. 

This particular painting represents fire. I like how the chaos really comes through in this painting. You have the red and white which represents the fire and the black which represents darkness. This portrays well at how terrible a fire can be and can cause so many problems within the situation. I feel that Pollock has used colours in a professional and mature was, understanding what the tension of the situation really is in reality.