Friday 30 October 2015

A Different Response To Media

There are many different ways to interpret media and I feel that it doesn't just have to be set by one artistic skill to represent that. After I had researched into gaming and how violence can be shown through, I decided to broaden the ideas on you can represent an idea through using alternative techniques. 

Through the use of movies its all about composition and how you move and change the angle of the camera to represent how mood can be expressed. There are no limits with a moving image because you can have an actor show emotion as well as using shots to express their feeling. Also adding in music sets the scene because you can express the strain or happiness the moment has. This allows the intensity of the scene to further come through and it starts to really engage what the audience should be feeling within this particular scene. 

Not only can a movie can show and express emotion but photography can as well. This is slightly harder to set the scene however, because you don't have music or a moving image to follow the story in its intensity. All you have is a single image and it needs to capture your eye within the first few seconds for you to understand the intensity of the story. 

There are two ways you can create a still image. Through a digital camera and through a film camera. A digital camera allows you to recreate a scene over and over again so that you are able to re-try capturing a particular still that expresses how you feel. You are to freely experiment with the ISO and shutter speed to create the perfect image and for any that don't come out how you want you can just delete. What I like most about film is that you have one chance to capture the essence of the scene. I like the idea of this and how it can make the person taking the photo to work harder on getting it perfect first time. I also like how different film canisters can create different colouring effects. I feel that using film the colours come out more vibrant and intense.