Thursday 29 October 2015

Colour Contrasting with Emotion

I took a trip to Brussels in Belgium and while being there took a series of images on my digital Cannon EOS 1100D. This next image was taken in a park on a fairly average day. the sun was out but it was still a bit duller than usual. I took several images of the same shot but using different exposures and changing the iso on it to see what I could do. There was one photo that I thought looked really nice but it already had quite a high contrast on it. So instead I decided to pick a photo that didn't have such a high contrast because that wouldn't limit me on what I could do on Photoshop to change the hue for emotion. 

Here is the original image that I decided on to edit.

The first emotion I wanted to show through this image was again another bright one. One where everything bright and all seems good. 

I spent a lot of time on this photo using the clone tool. I tried to edit the trees on the right to look brighter and show more brighter colours within the image. This is because when I originally edited the photo to look bright the left side looks brighter than the right side. This gave a very unbalanced look to the image. So once I had edited out the lens leaks on the image I cloned different parts of the leaves to make it look that slightly bit more lively. I also tried to edit out some of the people within the photo. This made the image emptier but it also has given a little bit of a distorted look to it. If I were to concentrate more of developing this image further I would carefully edit out all of the people so that it doesn't look out of place but getting Photoshop to automatically take them out. 

This next image is again the opposite of the bright coloured one. I wanted to show a contrast between the two scenes so that I can compare how to show different emotion through the use of colour. I like the layout of this particular photo because it feels more emptier than the previous image I edited. This allows me to use many other concepts I could interlink with the image through colour. 

I tried to create this image to be darker and more mysterious. I feel that the sky lets me down a lot in this. I tried to darken the sky and by doing this I have ended up creating a line divide between the blue and the white. I found it quite tricky to get the sky right. I also changed the colours of the trees so that they didn't look very autumn anymore and more dark. I feel that If I were to do this image again I would add shades of brown into it so that the trees would look like they were dying and unhealthy. I could also had a filter over the top of the photo to make the sky look darker too. By doing this I feel the image would become more effective as I'm trying to give a miserable emotion though this image.