Tuesday 13 October 2015

Jon Harris & Danny Boyle

Jon Harris has also inspired me with the way he used film to create tension and longing. There are many films that are inspiring but one if particular again is 127 hours. He has used his editing techniques in an interesting way. He has managed to build tension and helped the audience relate to the pain and desperation the character within the movie was actually happening at the time. 

I feel that it was a lot harder to try and relate the storyline considering that it was based on a true story. And with the directing skills of Danny Boyle and the use of adding in scenes to show his insanity starting to kick in from the lack of water, sleep and food, starts to brush on the depth of the desperation his must have been actually feeling. 

With the use of these ideas to set the mood of feeling his desperation, Harris adds in short clips of the main character which help along the movement of the audience starting to understand and feel themselves his desperation. I like the use of short clips from adverts and events that happened the year of the accident and using that to convey his desperation. Such as old coke adverts all coming together to show his depression of water and showing close up clips of his water bottle where it allows you to see his dehydration. Also the quick changes between shots again shows his desperation to get out of there.