Tuesday 20 October 2015

Violent Video Games and Bad Behaviour

A meta-analysis of 98 studies with nearly 37,000 participants, includes without equivocation that violent video games increase aggression. Also further evidence in Italy indicated decreased self-control and increased cheating. 

"Participants who played a violent video game for only 35 minutes exhibited less self-control, cheated more, and behaved more aggressively than did participants who played a nonviolent video game."

A violent video games effect on kids is worsened by the interactive nature. For example, in many of the games you get rewarded for being more violent and the more you kill the more you win at the game. Through this the act the violence is done repeatedly throughout the game where the person is in control of the violence and experiences the violence with through their own eyes. The idea of this is that from the repetitive nature of these kind of games leads to an effective way of developing a learning behaviour, such as becoming aggressive. 

People can become socially isolated which leads to less time being spend doing other activities such as interacting with friends and family. 

You can learn the wrong values from playing video games such as violent behaviour, vengeance and aggression that within these types of games you are rewarded. Negotiating and other nonviolent solutions are often not options. Women are often portrayed as weaker character that are helpless or sexually provocative. Keeping this in mind games can be easily confused between reality and fantasy.